101 Folk Tunes Played At A steady Pace And Learnt By Ear
This course is for people who want to learn to play Folk Music from (mostly) the British Isles on Harmonica in the traditional way - by EAR. Each tune is played slowly for 5 minutes in the initial part with the key stated. In the second part the tunes are faster because it's a real session and the keys are stated. In the third part you're on your own in the Orkney Folk club (as was I)!
Watch Promo to get a sneaky peek!
Learn a lot of Folk Tunes by ear. This course is for people who want to learn to play Folk Music from (mostly) the British Isles on Harmonica in the traditional way - by EAR.
Your Instructor
Course Curriculum
Intro and starting slow tunes
Available in
after you enroll
StartSlow tunes session - here's how it looks (1:04)
StartIntro (3:31)
Preview1. Jeanette introduces the session
StartMy suggestions
StartThe Book (if you want it)
StartHere's how the group looks and waits for the next tune... (0:29)
StartBear Dance in Eminor
PreviewBritish Grenadiers in G -VIDEO - all following tunes are audio only (0:42)
StartBritish Grenadiers in G - AUDIO - all following are audio only
StartButtered Peas in G
StartButterfly in Eminor (9:8 time)
StartCaptain Nemo-s March in G
StartDance in D
StartDonkey Riding in G
StartDorset 4 hand Reel in G
StartEnrico in D
StartE minor fragment
StartE minor tune
StartEm (4th pos on G harp)
StartFolk tune in G
StartGallop in G
StartGoodbye young ladies in G
StartHarper-s Frolick in D
StartHarvest Home in D
StartHorses Brawle in G
Start3 around 3 in G
StartHornpipe in G
StartHunt the Squirrel in G
StartLeaving of Liverpool in D
StartLe Canal in October in G
StartLes Filles in G
StartMaggie in the Wood in G
StartMany tunes, mostly D and G
StartMichael Turners in G
StartMight be better on a G harp
StartMichael Turner-s Walz in G
StartPlanxty Fanny Power in G
StartOllie Kate in G
StartPrincess Royal in G
StartRattin- Bog in G
StartPrincess Royal in G
StartPrincess Royal in the key of G
StartQueens Jig in G
StartRattling Bog in G
StartSalmontails in G
StartShort tune in D
StartSalmontails in G
StartSlow tune in G
StartSlowish tune in G
StartSherborne Walz in G
StartSpeed the plough in G
StartSussex Cottilian in G
StartStar Of The County Down Aminor
StartStatton Island in D
StartSwallowtail in G
StartThe Moon and 7 Stars in D
StartThe Dark Island in G
StartTheme Vanite Em/G
StartThe Slow in D
StartThree around Three in E
StartTripping up the stairs in D
StartTune in D
StartTune in G
StartWalz in G
StartWinster Gallop in G
StartWeasel's Revenge E minor:G
StartWhinster Gallop in G
StartWill's Way in G
Faster tunes in a Session - this is normal speed!
Available in
after you enroll
StartLive session - this is the real thing! This is what you are aiming at... (1:07)
StartPub Session tune in D (0:33)
StartDance in G VIDEO - here's how a session can look, all following are AUDIO only (0:32)
StartAnother session tune in G
StartFast session tune in D
StartFast tricky tune in D
StartFun fast famous session tune
StartG session
Startin G, fast session tune
StartSession tune in D
StartSession tune in G
StartSlow session tune in G
Startslow tune In G
StartTune in G
StartBrisk session tune in G
StartD Quite fast
StartFast session tune
StartG quite fast
StartMorris tune in G
StartSteady session tune
StartSteady session Walz
StartWalz in G
Orkney Folk Club Session - you figure out the key
Available in
after you enroll
StartOrkney Folk Club (3:09)
StartOrkney Folk - the late Wee Billy sings 'By The Silver Sands Of Ragwick Bay' very quietly in A (3:31)
StartKirkwall Harbour (Orkney Folk Club)
StartKirkwall Harbour 10
StartKirkwall Harbour 11
StartKirkwall Harbour 12
StartKirkwall Harbour 13
StartKirkwall Harbour 2
StartKirkwall Harbour 3
StartKirkwall Harbour 4
StartKirkwall Harbour 5
StartKirkwall Harbour 6
StartKirkwall Harbour 7
StartKirkwall Harbour 8
StartKirkwall Harbour 9
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.