Bones of the Blues. 9tunes. 5keys. 1 harmonica. No bending. Let's Go!
Learn how to play blues and improvise in 5 keys (G, Dm, Em, Am, Bm) on a C harmonica WITHOUT bending notes - simple!
Watch Promo to get a sneaky peek!
Easy BLUES: 9tunes. 5keys. 1harmonica. No bending. Wow - Go!
Learn how to play blues and improvise in 5 keys (G, Dm, Em, Am, Bm) on a C harmonica WITHOUT bending notes - simple!
Maybe you have some questions at this point.
First question; do I need to be able to bend notes to use this video tuition?
No. But if you can, this course will still challenge you. First play the pieces as written. Secondly, try the same tunes and impro one octave lower and one octave higher. Thirdly could try it all on different key harps if you want to really fry your brain!
Second question; what sort of harmonica(s) do I need for this course? A ten hole diatonic in 'C'
Use the sound first and try to listen and copy - try closing the eyes
In other words, try not to look - train your ears rather than your eyes, music belongs to the ears
You will probably need to pause the audio frequently
Maybe after each phrase - to allow time for it all to sink on. Later you can use the book to add a visual dimension.
This is designed for harmonica players who can play single notes but
can't yet bend them. All the tunes and improvising can be done an octave lower
if you like and then you will be bending a few notes - it's all good practice either way.
Either way, enjoy it.
Your Instructor