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How to practice your harmonica to get amazing progress fast! Ignore the single note bit if you are just starting please, it's just for reference
Introduction and overview
Promo - please watch (4:22)
Introduction (5:15)
Don't play single notes just yet please... (1:37)
First part of the plan
Warmup (6:44)
Nuts and bolts (TECHNIQUES) part 1 (7:19)
Nuts and bolts part 1 (7:19)
Section summary
Second part of the plan
Eartraining (9:24)
Repertoire (13:36)
Fun warmdown (9:22)
Over the rainbow chart, scales and track (NB Harmonica Mastery students - please ignore single notes for now - just watch!) (5:01)
Practice charts - print or edit these please (they are new - do you like them?)
Section summary
Nuts and bolts (TECHNIQUES) part 1
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