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Master Blues Harmonica Step-By-Step
Program Overview (5:35)
Which harmonica do I need? 10-hole diatonic in C. (2:14)
Let's get into it! (0:26)
Warm up - HaHa HooHoo (4:35)
The Hoochie Coochie Riff (9:09)
How should I hold the harmonica? (2:03)
How should I breathe? (7:04)
Cleaning your harmonica - here's how, but brush your teeth before you play! (7:42)
Come to an Open Mic Session and a social Coffee Morning to talk harmonica!
Section summary
Trailer (2:26)
Riffs and 12 bar structure
Blues structure (6:18)
Blues riffs (9:17)
Warmup (6:03)
Chords (9:33)
Nice backing tracks for these ideas - also try the new Jamzone App
Single notes, bending, and positions - (Harmonica Mastery Students please ignore this bit for now)
Blues horn lines (11:39)
Single notes (6:57)
Draw bending (9:27)
Positions (7:30)
How to practice your harmonica to get great progress fast! (4:25)
Essential single note blues bass-lines
Three easy bass-lines (10:44)
Getting single notes (11:51)
Blues eco system (7:26)
Linda Lou bass-lines (11:17)
Last night and Piano boogie woogie (5:17)
Pull slap (8:24)
How to speak 'Drummer' and 'Bassist'- sing drum beats and basslines
Introduction and overview
Promo (2:08)
Second position - THE BIG ONE
Second position - where is it? (5:19)
Second position blues riffs (3:48)
Converting into a blues scale (5:17)
Second position bass line ideas (10:59)
Second position chords (3:45)
Fifth position
Playing a blues using the Eminor pentatonic (5:05)
5th position blues licks (3:27)
Converting the pentatonic into the E blues scale (3:26)
Where is 5th position? (5:18)
Using the 5 note 'pentatonic' 5th position scale (2:16)
Connecting 2nd and 5th - wrapping up the course (5:12)
Bonus overview of positions
Overview of all 12 positions - MUST WATCH! (7:45)
Overview of all 12 positions piano view - MUST WATCH! (8:31)
Introduction section
And another thing... (1:18)
Introduction and how to (3:01)
Learning a few riffs
YOUR BOOK DOWNLOAD IS HERE. Learning Riff 26 for use on the 'I' chord (5:09)
Learning Riffs 36 and 46 for the IV chord and the V/IV transition (3:27)
Putting all those riffs together for our first 12 bar solo (5:11)
Learning an intro and outro riff (4:14)
Learning riff 66 for the turnaround (2:37)
4th 12 bar solo (1:23)
5th 12 bar solo (2:33)
2nd 12 bar solo (2:59)
3rd 12 bar solo (1:53)
Grand finale
Putting all those 5 together with an ending riff (3:55)
A little Blues theory
A little chord theory before we play (3:19)
Playing the chords - many downloads in this lecture (4:36)
Blues story - more downloads in this lecture (2:06)
12 bar blues theory (3:39)
A little chord theory before we play (3:19)
Playing the chords - many downloads in this lecture (4:36)
Blues story - more downloads in this lecture (2:06)
12 bar blues theory (3:39)
Playing the back off it...
Blues chugging (6:12)
Single note lines - easy (7:04)
Single note lines - harder (6:06)
Blues chugging (6:12)
Single note lines - easy (7:04)
Single note lines - harder (6:06)
Bonus section
Walking thru the blues alternative video to lecture 4 (same audio in both) (3:31)
Bending some notes
Note Bending - hole 1 (3:36)
Note Bending - hole 4 (3:31)
Note Bending - hole 6 (2:53)
Final chorus using bent notes a little (5:14)
Note Bending - hole 1 (3:36)
Note Bending - hole 4 (3:31)
Note Bending - hole 6 (2:53)
Final chorus using bent notes a little (5:14)
Introduction and overview
Introduction and how to practise (2:09)
Simple Riffs
Chugging Riffs and here's all the riffs written down (3:42)
Practice the chugging riffs
Riffs for the 'I' chord (3:13)
Riffs for the 'IV' chord (6:04)
Riffs for the 'V' chord (3:43)
Intro and turnaround riffs (3:26)
Harder Riffs
Ending Riffs (3:29)
Riff 101 - Walter's Jump (2:43)
Riffs for the 'V to 'IV'' chord transition (3:24)
Playalong track
Blues playalong in G (2:55)
Introduction to the course
Introduction (2:37)
First position scale
How to practice scales (4:22)
First position pentatonic scale over entire harmonica (2:54)
First position main scale (3:00)
Don Les ripping it up in 1st position
Improvising with the pentatonic
First position practice with pop music (2:34)
First position in a latin groove (3:11)
Pentatonic improvisation over a country groove (4:07)
First position blues
How to turn First position bluesey like Sonnyboy Williamson 2 did (12:43)
Wrapping up with Charlie and Buddy who are (in life) real good buddies.
Outro/First position on Orange Blossom Special (2:51)
Bonus - here's Buddy Greene tearing up a storm
Introduction to course
Introduction to 3rd position and how it will help you (2:46)
General introduction (2:30)
Getting the 3rd position scales down
Learning the d-d scale (4:34)
D minor pentatonic (3:57)
Overview of all 12 positions - theory; listen and learn!
Overview of all 12 positions (7:45)
Piano view of the first 7 positions (8:31)
Interview with Charlie Musselwhite on positions (7:39)
Playing tunes and improvising
Scarborough Fair/Summertime 'quick and dirty' (4:32)
Improvising with 3rd position (4:47)
Big Sultana phrase by phrase - from 'Bones of the Blues' (3:17)
Playalong in D minor (3:16)
The Thrill is gone (3:56)
The Work Song (7:16)
Tongue blocking and ending
Tongue blocking and outro (4:10)
Message from Ben (2:05)
Message from Ben
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